Beginning January 1, 2025, continuing education (CE) will be required for all journeyman and master certificate holders who do not qualify for an age exemption. Continuing education requirements MUST be completed prior to renewing your 2026 certification.
To read the entire administrative rule outlining the requirements for CE by clicking HERE.
We have created a document of frequently asked questions to help clear up any confusion on this newly adopted requirement. Click HERE to view the PDF of frequently asked questions.
At this time, we have limited providers and are working to add more options to enable our licensees to complete their CE requirements. You can access our CE class lookup by clicking HERE.
We are currently offering 2 hours of CE credit if you wish to attend one of the no cost Board offered code review classes. In order to get credit for CE, you MUST call the Board office at (205)945-4857 to sign up for these courses as seating is limited in some locations. Click HERE to view the upcoming Board code review training schedule.
If you are age 65 or older, you can qualify for an age exemption by submitting THIS FORM along with one of the listed forms of proof of age.
If you wish to have a Board review class held at a location that would be eligible for CE credit, please fill out THIS FORM and submit to the Board office. For a location to be considered for a class, there must be a minimum of fifteen (15) attendees and the class will need to be able to be listed on our website for all licensees to register for.
In order to apply to become a Continuing Education (CE) provider with the Board, see below packet. Packet includes instructions on what needs to be completed and submitted. This packet should be used ONLY for first time applicants to become a CE provider with the Board. Once you are an approved provider, there will be separate forms to fill out to request individual course approvals and individual instructor approvals if you wish to add instructors or courses after initial approval.